Wednesday, January 5, 2022

JWP Title Matches


Hikari Fukuoka vs. Yasha Kurenai, JWP 12/6/1997

The more Kurenai I watch, the more I think she‘s among the most underrated women in joshi history. This was an epic JWP title match all about the yanki ways of Kurenai. It‘s easy to dismiss her as a run of the mill brawler… but she will chop you in the throat, boot you in the face and hit you with a kendo stick, all done in a way that sets her a step above. She has no problem going Fukuokas speed, and Fukuokas workrate spots are made a lot more interesting by the factor of Kurenai smashing her with a chair in the middle of a handspring move. Kurenai kind of no-sold a Fukuoka tombstone, but it was a pretty soft tombstone, and she came back chucking a chair at Fukuoka, so I guess it was a rightful no-sell. I have no problem calling her performance here flawless. I thought Fukuoka was no selling Kureanai here a bit, but then Kurenai kept coming back (without being your turn-my turn) and making bigger and bigger dents in her. Early on Fukuoka was pelting Kurenai with nasty kicks and you got the sense she considered Kurenai an annoying lower ranked LLPW scoundrel, but Kurenai soon put some respect in her. Loved how Fukuoka went into panic mode whenever Kurenai went for her signature submission. Her moonsault to the outside also felt like an epic spot due to it being late in the match and the elaborate set up. Another highlight was Fukuoka blocking a chokeslam in cool fashion and then hitting an out of nowhere high kick. Overall I‘d file this as an excellent nuanced ace performance from Fukuoka. Kurenais last hurray being her hitting Fukuoka in the leg with the kendo stick out of nowhere also ruled. Great match between two workers people should talk about more.

Ran Yu-Yu vs. Azumi Hyuga, JWP 12/23/1999

Hyugas 1999 title run has to be up there with the greatest in joshi history. Too bad it was largely overshadowed by what Yoshida was doing in ARSION, but these matches still hold up. This was another excellent contest. Yu-Yu got to look like dynamite here. She is such a unique wrestler while being able to go the usual joshi pace. This didn‘t have some kind of hook-sinker story like other Hyuga title matches, but the work was consistently strong and everything made sense. Just the way Yu-Yu would work a random sleeper was outstanding. And she was fierce and competitive against the champion. Hyuga has a rep for being queen of workrate matches, but I thought Yu-Yus athleticism easily overshadowed her. They had excellent chemistry and made the whole match look like a struggle. I especially appreciated how hard they worked to build to the bombs, without just dropping them one after another as you often see in joshi matches. The finish felt a bit easy and an unbecoming end to Hyugas great reign, but you end up happy for Ran Yu-Yu.

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