Monday, May 16, 2022

EMLL in 1990 #3 - 1/19/1990


Martha Villalobos & La Diabolica vs. Pantera Surena & Zuleyma

Rarely do you see the ladies get +20 minutes in a CMLL TV match. The result was basic but a good match. Diabolica and Zuleyma did some fun wrestling to start. Villalobos was cool here, looking scuzzy and immediately using her size to squish people. They move to the beatdown section pretty fast. I know Surena as a kind of a superworker from her matches in AJW, but she didn‘t get to do a ton here. The 2nd fall had some really great, elaborate stooging spots. They did some more good wrestling in the 3rd before escalating the brawling again as Diabolica had apparently done something that really pissed off her opponents and they tried to unmask her. Some biting and hair pulling ensues. The rudas get the win even though it looked like excessive violence to me. Will be interesting to see what else we will get from the ladies in 1990 as this felt more like a taste of what they can do.

Canelo Casas & Panico & Comando Ruso vs. Remo Banda & Rokambole & Rafaga Azul

Canelo Casas – so young, so talented. Already really dedicated to being evil and bumping his ass off, but also looking like a talented wrestler on the offense. He was the standout in what was otherwise a quick undercard match. I mean, the video was well over 20 minutes, but it felt like a breeze. All the technicos got to do quick standing exchanges in the opening fall where they one upped the rudos, then we moved right on to the beatdown. Banda tries to be spectacular but had one slip up, and Rafaga looked quite graceful and cool. Comando Ruso is a short stocky guy who doesn‘t look like much at first with his Zbyszko stalling, but he is an effective rudo. I dig any wrestler who will take a flip bump when he misses a punch, and he hit a really, really pretty dropkick at one point. The 3rd fall could have been better as the rudos took the match quite easily. I look forward to seeing more Canelo Casas.

Javier Llanes & Americo Rocca & Huracan Ramirez II vs. Ulises & Pierroth Jr. & Super Halcon

This was one of those matches that makes you go „Man, Lucha Libre is beautiful.“ It wasn‘t some kind of grand classic but it was chock full of wonderful wrestling. The previous match mostly had standing exchanges, so here they start with some matwork and more story driven wrestling as Llanes and Pierroth went at each other, immediately teasing a brawl but going back to wrestling. Llanes looked really good here, like he could do it all. Super Halcons section with Americo Rocca was also quite beautiful and classical. Ulises and Huracan kept it simple and effective, with Ulises triumphing initially by hitting 3 really fast and pretty hip tosses, and then Ramirez retaliates by hitting 4 really fast and pretty hip tosses. Pierroth Jr. Is a monster rudo here, as he catches Llanes flying at him with a big punch, later he drags him over the ropes by the hair, just working exchanges in really rough fashion while stooging beautifully for everything the technicos did. The rudo beatdown starts in a really cool way, Halcon swings at Rocca and catches him in the face, it didn‘t even feel like it was a blow that was intended to hit but it caught Rocca by surprise, so Halcon shrugs and commences the beatdown. He had the feel of a guy who didn‘t mean to be a rudo, but god damn it he‘s old and lost his mask, he doesn‘t give a fuck anymore, he‘s gonna kick some ass. Ulises kicking Rocca in the face and in the nose was also quite Fuchi-like and unexpected. The third fall was quick as the technicos seemed to stage their grand comeback but then Halcon just kicked Llanes in the balls and pinned him casually. No rudo theatrics to that at all, just took advantage of the ref looking away and collected a pin.

Super Astro & Angel Azteca & Mascara Sagrada vs. MS-1 & Tierra Viente y Fuego & Herodes

This was a match that was buzzing from the get go. The faces wanted to throw hands with the rudos immediately and guys were attacking guys on the apron as if it was a heated AJPW 6 man. They worked some fast exchanges, but the animosity was always there. Astro as always looks incredible and the other two also got to look really good. Rudos were excellent stooges as you‘d expect. The match seemed to be building to a big cathartic ending but then it just ended, which was a bit of a weird choice for a main event. I expected the technicos to give the rudos an epic comeuppance but it just wasn‘t. Slightly disappointing although the first half or so was really good.

The Library

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