Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Tarzan Goto Documentation #11

 Tarzan Goto vs. Mr. Gannosuke, FMW 6/28/1994 - EPIC

When Gannosuke trained in the FMW dojo under Goto, he was pegged as the #1 student over Hayabusa. This kinda match gives you an idea of what position that put Gannosuke in as he takes a murderous assbeating from Goto. Starts fun enough with Goto doing some chain wrestling which is always fun. You can kind of tell a faint influence of Baba in Gotos style of grappling as positioning and setting up bigger moves are important when he‘s rolling and out of armlocks, and he is really good at sneaking in headbutts and punches between the holds that hit hard. Naturally the match soon turns into a gruesome beatdown with Goto bloodying Gannosuke, hitting him in the face with the wooden hammer and just generally dropping him with nastier and nastier moves. It was the kind of beatdown that felt like it lasted around 10 minutes, it starts pretty violent and then it just keeps escalating until it looks like Goto is dragging a corpse around the ring. Gannosuke got the soul beaten out of him but it was kind of awesome how fired up the crowd got when he showed he still had a little life in him as Goto tried slapping his limp body back to consciousness. And the Gannosuke Clutch is always an awesome nearfall especially in 1994.

Tarzan Goto vs. Buh Buh Ray Dudley, IWA Japan 8/8/1996 - FUN

Two tubby guys wailing on each other in front of a surprisingly hot crowd. This was one of Bubuhs few Japan experiences and he was there to bring it. He hits some impressive splashes, big suicide dive and plants himself through a chair while acting like a simpleton. And Goto is not afraid to beat on a fool with headbutts to the face and some jaw cracking lariats. The brainbuster to big Buh Buh was sickening, totally spicked him. Really fun under 5 minute match.

Tarzan Goto vs. Perry Saturn & John Kronus, IWA Japan 8/10/1996 - FUN

Eliminators have a rep for their work not aging well, but they do a fun job swarming Goto here and not letting up. Yes, there were some crappy punches, but I really liked how the just started throwing chairs at Goto at one point. Pretty unusual Goto performance as he was mostly eating offense and taking big bumps, but he looks great doing that stuff. And the few comebacks he has are great and feel like a barfight as he just starts wailing on people with headbutts and chairs, exactly what you would do if you were outnumbered in a fight. Eliminators are a workrate team but they knew how to work with some necessary edge (e.g. hitting a mean doomsday device where Goto was brained hard with a chair). I kind of expected Goto to just start destroying them so the finish surprised me a bit but it was logical.

Tarzan Goto Documentation Project

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