Saturday, September 10, 2022

Best of the Velocity Matches #3

 Hardcore Holly vs. Chavo Guerrero, Velocity 7/6/2002


Low key great four minute match between two miserable bastards. Starts great with Chavo not handshaking and Holly slapping the taste right out of his mouth. We get some pretty hard hitting for WWE standards with Chavo setting himself up in fun ways to get chopped by Holly, as well as a nasty Chavo face scrape and Holly dropkicking Chavo in the face. Ending was totally awesome with multiple cool Alabama Slam attempts and counters, Chavo stomping Holly in the face, plus Holly busting out a gnarly powerbomb. Will Velocity make a Holly fan out of me?

Test vs. Val Venis, Velocity 7/9/2002


This was a match that I got weirdly invested in. The action was rather standard WWE TV stuff, but they really committed to their stuff. Test has great clotheslines and man looking at him you think he would be a megastar now, being big and good looking, but in 2002 he is doing a generic anti-american thing and getting himself DQ‘d. Venis always has ridiculously perfect offense, an absolutely sick boot to the face (the GUTS to completely outdo a guy whose finisher is a big boot), he also has a reverse figure 4 which he locks in in super slick fashion and Test really puts it over as this dangerous submission nearfall, coming up limping and everything. Crowd got really hot for this too and into the fire of Val Venis of all people, and the DQ actually left me salty. It didn‘t even lead to anything, but at least I know now they gave it their all with what limited tools they had to have a 6 minute Velocity main event.

Jamie Noble vs. Funaki, Velocity 7/16/2002

This was GREAT. Funaki had his working boots on. I didn‘t think he still had it in him, but he was busting out slick armbars and taking mad bumps like he was in his prime. Noble was great too, and him zoning in on Funakis leg lead to some damn great selling from Funaki. They did some great stuff with a northern lights suplex and a tornado DDT, not exactly the most exciting junior moves at this point, but they made them look cool. Super neat finish too. It‘s funny how Noble had this trailer trash gimmick but works like a brainy technician. This has to be the top match in the pile for today.

Tajiri vs. Mike Awesome, Velocity 7/23/2002

Well I may have spoken too soon, because this goes right head to head with Noble/Funaki. Great mix of Mike Awesomes power offense and willingness to take absolutely psycho bumps, and Tajiri taking him apart with brilliant kicks. Tajiri is an absolute god of the b-show match, he‘s just doing something neat ever second. Here he was attacking Mike with all kinds of kicks from odd angles, axe kicking the knee, kicking the back of the knee, stomping on his neck, it was just the right mix of flashy and ruthless. Loved the Tarantula specifically targetting the leg. Mike looked to be in a rough place but gave his all, diving face first into Tajiris feet, splatting on the floor in crazy moment, selling the leg at just the perfect time. Best 4 minute b-show match ever?

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