Wednesday, September 14, 2022

DEEP Saeki Matsuri 12/9/2004

That time the DEEP MMA promotion ran a bunch of weird as hell pro wrestling matchups. 

Street Fight Barbed Wire Board Match: Hidetaka Irie & Toshiyuki Moriya vs. Anthony Netzler & Saeki "Boo" Shigeru

Saeki is the boss of DEEP. Netzler is an MMA fighter and also, apparently ended up being a druglord? Saeki is pretty fat and he tumbles around in amusing untrained person ways. Even though this match had barbedwire boards, Moriya and Irie didn‘t seem intent on working hard. Netzler didn‘t do anything but hit an insanely bad clothesline at one point. All that said, the match was kind of fun and had amusing moments like Irie hitting a giant swing on the president.

TURBO vs. Genki Yamaguchi

Short kickboxing match that didn‘t have anything interesting in it except a guy named TURBO.

Hiroyuki Ito & IRO-Seki vs. Max Miyazawa & Antonio Koinoki

I kind of like Koinoki. He is pretty agile, executes his Inoki spots very well and isn‘t afraid to get hit. I bet him vs. Riki Senshu would rule. IRO-SEKI is a big sumo with some fun fat guy spots. Ito vs. NIHAO is kind of a dream match and even though they didn‘t go full bore because this was just a semi-comedic undercard match, they were pretty fun together. The finish seemed blown. That‘s about all I can say.

Alexander Otsuka & TAISHO & Satoko Shinaishi vs. Jun Ishii & Yoshinori Oniki & Masakazu Imanari

Another very light hearted match. Imanari acts like a creep towards Shinaishi, everyone is scared of Otsuka, sleazy shenanigans ensue etc. The few serious bits were fun in that MMA guys try pro wrestling way. Dug Imanari ripping out all his awesome leglocks against Otsuka. This could have been much more, but I guess nobody was really welling to break a leg on a card like this I guess.

Yasuhito Namekawa vs. Omiya No Matsu

Well, this was a pleasant surprise. I think Omiya is an actor. He pretty much works a straight shootstyle match against Namekawa. Namekawa is much bigger and would crush Matsu with vicious kicks. Matsu had some impressive throws and takedowns and a nice punch combo at one point. Namekawa was mostly surprised by Matsus skill, but when he had to kick he was crushing Matsu. Pretty good.

Seichi Ikemoto vs. Danshoko Dino

Even in a Dino match, Ikemoto looks like an incredible wrestler. He had a ton of slick counters to Dinos crotch grabbing attacks, and hit some big kicks and throws of his own on offense. Dino can handle himself surprisingly well just doing regular grappling, but he quickly went to his molestation spots. One of the better Dino matches I can remember, I guess?

Masanori Suda & Tomohiko Hashimoto & Dokonjonosuke*Mishima vs. Shoichi Ichimiya & Riki Senshu & Tsubo Genjin

Pretty fun trios. Despite Genjin doing some hick comedy, everyone gave a spirited performance. I even enjoyed Ichimiyas act, as he just did a Keiji Mutoh impression played straight, and he meshed well with Mishima hitting Shining Wizards and eating shootkicks. Senshu was the workhorse of the match as he looked like a damn hero working good segments against everyone, eating everyones offense and dishing out some big backdrops and lariats of his own. Even Hashimoto looked inspired. The highlight of the match was when they did a Choshu/Maeda spot where Suda came in and blasted Senshu in the face with a kick that shocked the audience. A lot can be said how unfair it is that a wrestler as talented as Senshu would never make it beyond Z-level indy recognition due to his size, but he certainly made the most of his raw ability.

Makoto Ohe Retirement Match: Makoto Ohe vs. Kozo Takeda

I can‘t find much information on Ohe online, but apparently he was a UWFi guy and their prized kickboxing fighter. This was just 2 rounds and may be a work but it was a good fight. Ohe went down in the first round due to Takedas nasty leg kicks but gutted it out and got in lots of hits in the second. Maybe interesting to kickboxing fans.

The Library

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