Saturday, October 22, 2022

Emission Du Catch 5/17 or 7/15/1978

 Watch (And you want to watch)

Brigitte Borne vs. Lola Garcia

This was a sweet match. It was Borne, who was pretty much the top woman among the French lady wrestlers against Garcia who was the #1 in Spain. Rare you get a high profile match up like that. The wrestling was a real clinic too. It starts great right off the bat with Garcia really throwing Borne hard with her basic headlock takeovers and then basically trying to pop her head off with those side headlocks. The whole match was built around some really great throws and then head crunching headscissors and other tight holds. Not a ton of flash but Borne had some really sweet flashy arm takedowns at one point. The holds and escapes were worked insanely well and both of them fought like mad. Check out Bornes spinning headscissor counter when Garcia tried to go for her leg. Great stuff, the best womens match from the 70s?


Angelito & Kader Hassouni vs. Jean Menard & Jackie Richard

 This was another absolutely sick match. Just one breathtaking exchange after another, worked at a crazy pace. It rules that a bunch of balding dudes working in France in the 70s pretty much blow everyone in the world right now away both in terms of athleticism and sheer precision and timing. They just go hard and rip out one crazy exchange after another like it's the easiest thing in the world. Angelito and Hassouni were slick cats climbing around their opponents and hitting ranas and all kinds of surprising stuff. Richard was old and bald but he still bump really hard and really kick the shit out of his opponent. Menard was big and bad and grey and hold and holy lord anyone wrestler who can look half as good as Menard does here at any age can consider himself lucky. Usually rudos tend to cheat a lot in these matches but Menard wrestled like he had something to prove, often getting the better off his opponents by wrestling and it was really compelling. He may have had the cleanest armdrag from a wristlock I've ever seen. At one point he caught a flying Kader Hassouni and just spun him around and slammed him. Later he busted out all these cool throws, huge backbreakers and even a gutwrench bomb because why the hell not. His match up vs. Angelito was the money match up in this bout and they looked awesome together. Highlights include Angelito working some really neat painful looking halfcrabs, and a spot where Menard went for a backslide and then stood up and held him in a canadian backbreaker. At one point they worked a knuckle lock monkey flip exchange that may have been the best of it's kind I've ever seen, and think of the ground that covers! Angelito was absolute dynamite in this match, crazy how good the guy was both at the flashy highspots as well as the technical stuff. He even ended up taking some giant bumps in this match, the spill over the top rope may have been the craziest I've ever seen. It even ended up spelling his eventual doom as he was unable to tag back in and later he took another huge bump that made for one hell of a finish. Hassouni was pretty slick too and nailed all his stuff. Hell everyone here nailed every thing, so you have a 30 minute match full of compelling high difficulty exchanges with some huge bumps and a good plot and they nailed everything, insanely great shit really.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any other Brigitte Borne matches? I would love to connect if possible -


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