Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Assorted LLPW


Bull Nakano vs. Yasha Kurenai, LLPW 10/25/1993

I‘m willing to bet this is the best 3 minute match you‘ll watch for a while. Kurenai was in a really famous squash against Hokuto, but this may have been even better. Nakano just punts the shit out of her, full on lariats to the face and all and smacking her around. There was especially brutal lariat that turned Kurenai briefly into a stiff. Kurenai gave all she got and got some bigger spots in on Nakano than you‘d expect. Nunchuks and a staff come into play, plus a memorable sick KO finish. Pro wrestling was so on fire in 1993 even a random squash like this could be legendary.

Shinobu Kandori & Mizuki Endo vs. Harley Saito & Miki Hanada, 10/25/1993

As far as „badass teams with underdog matches“ go, this was really good and just felt like a crazy fight. We start hot right off he bat with Endo getting nearly KO‘d by Saitos BattlARTS level kicks. I never thought much of Handa, but her elbowing Kandori in the back of the head and then bowling her into the chairs was just the right thing to do in this kind of frantic battle. Love how Saito is consistently one of the few people who can step up to Kandori. Her throwing Kandori and then just blasting her with a face kick was badass. Endo barely has offense at this point, but she sold like crazy and had good fire. Kandori is so fucking great going from being an absolute menace to selling that she‘s taking danger and staggered. Finishing run looked great as it had a number of neat moments, plus face stomps and hits to the back of the head. Too bad about the clipping but what was shown looked like one of the best joshi matches of 1993.

Rumi Kazama vs. Jenn Yukari, LLPW 1/4/1994

This was UWF rules, but they pretty much worked it like a regular slightly more groundbased LLPW match. These two don‘t have much of a rep but they can sure hit the mat and bust out neat transitions. No pinfall rule made for some surprisingly interesting psychology, and there were some hellish suplexes and kicks thrown. I wish we had the full 10 minutes instead of just 5 but what was shown was a pretty great BattlARTS Velocity match.

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