Sunday, October 16, 2022

Tanomusaku Toba Documentation #20

 Tanomusaku Toba vs. Munenori Sawa, DDT 5/4/2007 - GREAT

Okay – the bad first: it‘s JIP. We still get 7 minutes of blistering action between these two, and every second of this was just great. Just Toba having superior striking and cracking Sawa with nasty punches left and right and Sawa trying to soften him up. This version of Sawa was great – he was just fired up, no jokes or theatrics, and giving and taking hard. They make the back and forth hitting actually compelling, and there were some great spots such as Toba getting ragdolled by suplexes or Sawa jumping right into a Toba punch. They really needed to give Toba more matches like this, I can‘t think of much better undercard stuff than two crazy guys beating the snot out of each other in a quick exciting match.


Tanomusaku Toba & MIKAMI vs. Poison Sawada JULIE & Super Uchu Power, DDT 8/25/2002 - EPIC

This was the finals of a tag league and they went 25 minutes. Pretty much 4 cool indy characters doing a Kings Road style epic and succeeding. We get a quick start and then it's pretty much all action. This may have been the most I've enjoyed Poison Sawada, he doesn't have much athletic ability or stiffness but he displayed great timing, had some genuinely impressive exchanges with MIKAMI and is just a really cool character with his green mist and hypnosis spots. In a 2022 world where most wrestlers feel so fucking dry and generic a guy like Poison Sawada JULIE feels like a real wrestling genius in comparison. TOBA was generally awesome dishing it out and getting ragdolled around, leaping into the scenery to spin backfist people in the head at just the right moments. MIKAMI did his usual huge highspots, timing them really well for some awesome moments, and Uchu was a destructive space force as usual. These 4 deliver exactly what you expect and want from them, and this maybe ended up being even a bit better than expected. The only blight is they clipped about 5 minutes from this, but you don't really notice anyways, and the match had more than enough to enjoy

Tanomusaku Toba Master List

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