Saturday, February 18, 2023

GWE Watching: Koichiro Kimura


Koichiro Kimura vs. Brahman Shu & Brahman Kei, FUTEN 9/26/2010

A shootstyle handicap match which ends up being really compelling. Normally handicap matches would be unfair but Kimura is such a monster that it easily becomes believable. Kimura rip your arms and legs off and potatoe you really hard, plus his lethargic selling actually makes him look unstoppable. This had a lot of Brahmans getting stretched and mauled, until they were able to play the numbers game, spit some water and hit some cool double teams. Brahmans were kicking really damn hard too, almost like it’s FUTEN or something. I really liked how Kimura got water in his face but went straight back to mauling a Brahman. By the end he was getting swarmed and trying to get just one of these pesky Brahmans off long enough to put the other in a submission, until he succeeded with a Volk Han-ish leglock. Pretty unique stuff.

Koichiro Kimura vs. Makoto Hashi, FUTEN 7/25/2010

This was basically the two FUTEN monsters facing off so it was a compelling match up. You have to keep in mind that almost every FUTEN guy is some kind of indy wrestler doing shootstyle matches, so Koichiro Kimuras no frills RINGS grappler act feels different. As such the early goings of this was mostly grappling with Hashi not being able to do much against the superior grappler. This sets up the really intense second half of the match. Hashi moves in to go for headbutts so pissed off Kimura laid in some FUTEN level brutal stomps in the corner to him. After that it was Hashi as underdog vs. a tough shooter. Hashi grabbing a desperate Goriman suplex was really great. The second half had some really brutal hard hitting, Hashi using his brute force and some excellent submission counters from Kimura. 


 Koichiro Kimura vs. Kazuki Okubo, FUTEN 6/27/2010

Koichiro Kimura vs. Kazuki Okubo, FUTEN 10/24/2010

Two matches worth watching. The 10/24 is slightly better I thought, due to a more frantic Okubo performance but they didn't give each other much, the first match also had a cool surprise Okubo flying armbar and suplex. Both are pretty much the same layout, Kimura is an unstoppable monster who wastes his opponent with these brutal ground knees and stomps and some leg crushing cross heelhooks and legbars, and Okubo is really spunky laying it into him. I was surprised Kimura gave Okubo a lot of offense in these while maintaining his monster aura, and Okubo was so stiff that Kimura shrugging off the barrages of kicks was impressive. Not top tier FUTEN stuff but I found it to be a pretty enjoyable match up both times.

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