Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Tenryu Project 11/13/2022 - Part 1


Don Fujii vs. Kohei Sato

Haven’t seen a Fujii match in a while, but based on this I should probably watch some. Fuji is all kinds of fun here sumo rushing Sato, trying to force a count out, hitting cool lariats and chops and a big knee drop. It could have been a cool under 5 minute match had Sato done anything at all but he simply won with a sloppy Magistral after absorbing all of Fujis cool offense. What, you’re Kohei Sato, are you not gonna at least recklessly potatoe your opponent with a headbutt or something?

Keita Yano vs. Naoki Tanizaki - SKIPPABLE

Wow, Tanizaki may be one of the worst wrestlers I’ve ever seen. He’s sloppy, adds nothing interesting to the mat exchanges, and out of position. Yano makes the most of this stretching this guy a bit although it was quite painful watching him trying to make something out of a guy who messes up the easiest stuff. Yano is still able to work a crafty finish, so go Yano!

Hikaru Sato vs. Kouki Iwasaki

Good stuff early on with Iwasaki trying to outgrapple the Pancrase veteran early on. I’ve no idea if I would be into what Iwasaki is usually doing with way different guys than this, but he had basic skills and I found him engaging. Second half was really good with Sato constantly attacking the arm and some stiff, unpredictable kicks being thrown. Few neat counter spots, especially dug the struggle over Sato trying to throw Iwasaki over his targeted arm. Crafty finish. This well exceeded expectations. 

Added to 2022 MOTY List

Mizuki Watase vs. Takuro Niki

This Takuro Niki guy is spunky. He gets on Watases grill and bitchslaps him in the mouth, causing Watase to jump him and beat on him in the ropes for a cheap DQ win. Watase annoys me with his no selling but at least I am looking forward to seeing more of Takuro Niki.

SUSHI vs. Kenichiro Arai vs. Rey Paloma vs. Masayuki Kono

In theory, a 4 way with these guys in their working boots could be fun considering you have two tricky technical wrestlers and two big lugs in Sushi and Kono there. In reality it was mail-it-in city with lots of butt-centric comedy.


Keita Yano Documentation Project 

The Library

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