Friday, February 10, 2023

Ryuji Walter Matches


Ryuji Walter vs. Manabu Hara, Ryuji Walter Produce 8/23/2015

This was Ryuji Walters retirement match. Most retirement matches are easy going, let the guy get his spots in and end the match, but not this. This was a freaking war from the first second as they just go at each other for 7 minutes, both guys throwing shooty strikes and nuking each other with spine compressing suplexes and powerbombs. There was some great shoot-flavoured Lawler/Mantell exchanges with both guys trading on their knees, Walter eating an insane punt kick to his face etc. Really great going out on your sword-type match. You’d wish Walter had done more pro wrestling. Current pro wrestling sure could use more straight no frills asskicking matches like this.

Ryuji Walter vs. George Terzis, Ryuji Walter Produce 2/5/2011


Cool match which felt like a modern PWFG match. Terzis is the dominating foreigner who Walter has to overcome. Terzis hits lots of cool slams and ground and pound to control Walter, who comes back with surprise punches and slams. Terzis hits a nice shootstyle powerslam among other things and generally looked pretty good here until Walter is able to hit a Crucifix Bomb and punch him into oblivion. Nice stiff, I hope the rest of this event also shows up at some point, Mr. Walter if you are reading this, you are cool and it would be nice to see more Tempest Dragon videos!

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